
Thursday, January 9, 2014

"What Do You DO All Day?"

I'm going to start off my first blog with a vent...

Being a mom is hard. not only is being a mom hard, but a Stay-AtHome mom is hard. why? you ask. first off, if you had to ask "why," it's either because 1. you are NOT a stay-at-home mom, 2. you do not have children and/or you are not married, 3. you are a man. 
people say, "being a stay-at-home mom must be the easiest job in the world. you get to sit on the couch all day, watching tv (or blogging). you get to do what you want, go where you want and play with your babies all day! what could be better?"


being a SAHM (Stay-At-Home Mom) isn't all it's cracked up to be. let me tell you me normal routine:

-wake up early from a crying baby
-change diaper
-make a bottle
-MAYBE get another hour of sleep if it's before 5am
-wake up again
-feed baby cereal
-make coffee for mommy
-play (i.e. tire baby out for his morning nap)
-make another bottle
-put baby to sleep
-finally drink coffee (though it's cold)
-reheat coffee
-make breakfast for mommy and daddy
-feed husband
-feed myself
-drink coffee (it's cold again)
-reheat coffee
-get baby up from his nap
-change diaper
-make bottle
-put baby in play room
-reheat coffee (not even trying it first this time)
-clean up kitchen
-play with baby (work on new skills)
-put baby down for short nap
-reheat coffee
-sit and drink half the cup
-clean up baby toys
-clean other rooms in the house
-sit for a few minutes
-get baby up from his nap
-change diaper
-feed him lunch
-clean up baby's lunch
-mommy eat lunch
-clean up lunch
-make bottle
-put baby in play room
-hide in the bathroom for silence
-pour coffee down the drain (knowing i'll never actually finish it.)
-start on dinner

after that, every night is a little different depending on my husband's schedule... but you get the picture. i don't just sit on my butt all day long. and when i DO sit, it's because i need to crochet. (i sell baby hats online to make a little extra money for the family.)
so, probably the WORST thing someone can say to a SAHM is "what do you DO all day?"

if you are a SAHM, you can relate.

i would love for you to comment and tell me what YOUR Stay-At-Home Mom experiences are and what bugs you when people say "that must be easy."

Much Love, 
Mama Kelley

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